Source: Entity.js

const HasEntitiesMixin = require('./HasEntitiesMixin')

 * Entity is the base class for subgraphics.
 * @mixes HasEntitiesMixin
class Entity {
	* Create a new Entity with the specified options
	* @param {Object} options The options for the Entity, composed of the properties.
	* @property {Asset} asset The {@link Asset} to use for the Entity tiles
	* @property {Object} parent The parent of this Entity
	* @property {integer} x The x-coordinate in pixels relative to its parent (optional, default 0)
	* @property {integer} y The y-coordinate in pixels relative to its parent (optional, default 0)
	* @property {integer} z The z-coordinate relative to its parent (optional, default 0)
	* @property {float} scale The current scale (zoom) where 1 = 100% (optional, default 1)
	* @property {float} rotate The current rotation where 0ยบ (optional, default 0)
	* @property {boolean} visible Set if this Entity is visible (optional, default true)
  constructor (options = {}) {
    // Entities can have child entities

    // Asset is the graphical asset used for drawing this entity.
    // Usually, an asset will be divided up into 'tiles' of a specified width and height. A entity will display one
    // of these tiles at any given time, and can be animated - so each tile is a frame.
    this.asset = options.asset

    // The width and height of the tiles in the asset
    this.tileWidth = options.tileWidth
    this.tileHeight = options.tileHeight

    // The current tile coords as an array [x,y]
    this.tile = typeof (options.tile) === 'undefined' ? null : options.tile

    // The current X/Y from the origin of the container (the TiledScene, or the parent Entity)
    this.x = options.x || 0
    this.y = options.y || 0

    // The Z index, in the stack of the container (the TiledScene, or the parent Entity)
    this.z = options.z || 0

    // The entity hotspot offset X/Y - this is the offset to the point used to compute the Entity's 'feet'
    // when in a TiledScene in PERSPECTIVE_ANGLE mode - this influences the draw order.
    this.hotspotX = options.hotspotX || 0
    this.hotspotY = options.hotspotY || 0

    // The Parent container (the TiledScene, or the parent Entity)
    this.parent = typeof (options.parent) === 'undefined' ? null : options.parent

    // The visible flag. Invisible Entities and their children are not drawn
    this.visible = typeof (options.visible) === 'undefined' ? true : !!options.visible

    // The scale and rotation settings for this entity. This context affects all child entities also.
    this.scale = typeof (options.scale) === 'undefined' ? 1 : options.scale
    this.rotate = typeof (options.rotate) === 'undefined' ? 0 : options.rotate

    // Private props
    this._animations = {}
    this._currentanimation = null

	 * Mark the entity to be redrawn
  redraw () {
    // Mark us for redraw
    this._doredraw = true

    // Child Entities

	* Draw the Entity into the given context.
	* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context The context in which to draw
  draw (context) {
    // If we're not marked for a redraw or we're invisible, return
    if (!this._doredraw || !this.visible) return

    // Save the context params

    // Reset the origin to our coordinates (so child entities are relative to us)
    context.translate(this.x, this.y)
    context.scale(this.scale, this.scale)

    // Main Entity, omly draw if tile is not null and both tile coords are not null
    if (this.tile != null && this.tile[0] != null && this.tile[1] != null) {
        this.tile[0] * this.tileWidth,
        this.tile[1] * this.tileHeight,

    // Draw all child entities in their own order

    // Restore the context params for the next thing being drawn

    // Reset the redraw flag
    this._doredraw = false

	* Add an animation with the specified name and definition (def)
	* @param {String} name The name of the animation
	* @param {Frame[]} def An array of Frames, Frame format is an array: [ tx, ty, dt, dx, dy ]:
  addAnimation (name, def) {
    this._animations[name] = def

	 * Start an animation
	 * @param {Object} animation An animation definition:
	 * @param {String} The name of the animation to start, must have been previously defined by addAnimation
	 * @param {Integer} animation.delay Default delay for each frame (unless overridden by the dt in the frame)
	 * @param {Integer} animation.frame The index of the starting frame (optional, defaults to 0)
	 * @param {Boolean} animation.loop Loop the animation (i) indefinitely if 'true' (ii) this number of times. (optional)
	 * @param {Integer} animation.dx x Delta at every frame (move x pixels), unless overridden by the dx in the frame (optional)
	 * @param {Integer} animation.dy y Delta at every frame (move y pixels), unless overridden by the dy in the frame (optional)
	 * @param {Integer} animation.minX Stop the animation when the x is equal or less than this value (optional)
	 * @param {Integer} animation.minY Stop the animation when the y is equal or less than this value (optional)
	 * @param {Integer} animation.maxX Stop the animation when the x is equal or greater than this value (optional)
	 * @param {Integer} animation.maxY Stop the animation when the y is equal or greater than this value (optional)
	 * @param {Tile} animation.stopTile Set this tile [x,y] when the animation stops (optional)
	 * @param {Function} animation.onStop A function to call when the animation stops, fn(entity) where entity is this entity (optional)
  animateStart (animation) {
    if (animation) {
      if (this._currentanimation) this.animateStop(Entity.STOPSTATUS_REPLACED)
      this._currentanimation = animation
      this._currentanimation.frame = 0

    var nextFrame = () => {
      // Return immediately if there is no current animation
      if (!this._currentanimation) return

      // Get the Frame and default Delay
      var delay = this._currentanimation.delay
      var anim = this._animations[]
      var frame = anim[this._currentanimation.frame]

      // Set the tile
      this.tile = frame.slice(0, 2)
      // Override the default delay if specified in the frame
      if (frame.length > 2 && frame[2] !== null) delay = frame[2]

      // Translation deltaX/Y default from animation itself
      var dx = this._currentanimation.dx || 0
      var dy = this._currentanimation.dy || 0

      // Override that deltaX/Y if specified in the frame
      if (frame.length > 3 && frame[3] !== null) dx = frame[3]
      if (frame.length > 4 && frame[4] !== null) dy = frame[4]

      // If deltaX/Y is specified, move us
      if (dx) this.x += dx
      if (dy) this.y += dy

      // End Conditions
      if (
      // We have moved to or past a specifed boundary (maxX, maxY)
				(this._currentanimation.maxY && this.y >= this._currentanimation.maxY) ||
				(this._currentanimation.minY && this.y <= this._currentanimation.minY) ||
        (this._currentanimation.maxX && this.x >= this._currentanimation.maxX) ||
				(this._currentanimation.minX && this.x <= this._currentanimation.minX)
      ) {
        return this.animateStop(Entity.STOPSTATUS_COMPLETED)

      // Increment the frame

      // End / Loop conditions
      if (this._currentanimation.frame >= anim.length) {
        if (this._currentanimation.loop) {
          // Loop is specifed, restart from first frame
          this._currentanimation.frame = 0
          // Loop can be true, or a counter. If it's a counter, decrement it.
          if (this._currentanimation.loop !== true) this._currentanimation.loop--
        } else {
          // Loop not specifed, end the animation
          return this.animateStop(Entity.STOPSTATUS_COMPLETED)

      // Mark to redraw

      // Schedule the next frame
      this._currentanimation._timeout = setTimeout(nextFrame, delay)

    // Start the animation

	 * Stop the current animation with an optional Stop Status
	 * @param {Integer} stopStatus The stop status
  animateStop (stopStatus = Entity.STOPSTATUS_STOPPED) {
    if (!this._currentanimation) return
    if (this._currentanimation._timeout) clearTimeout(this._currentanimation._timeout)
    if (this._currentanimation.stopTile) this.tile = this._currentanimation.stopTile
    if (this._currentanimation.onStop) {
      var func = this._currentanimation.onStop; var self = this; var f = () => { func(null, self, stopStatus) }
    this._currentanimation = null

 *  The animation stopped because it was finished (non-looped) or a boundary condition was met (maxX, maxY)
 * @constant
 * The animation was stopped with animateStop
 * @constant
 * The animation was stopped because animateStart was called with a new animation, replacing it
 * @constant

module.exports = Entity