Source: Scene.js

const HasScenesMixin = require('./HasScenesMixin')
const HasEntitiesMixin = require('./HasEntitiesMixin')

 * Scene is the base class for scenes, which can contain child Scenes, {@link Entity}s, and {@link Props}
 * @mixes HasScenesMixin
 * @mixes HasEntitiesMixin
 * @abstract
class Scene {
	* Create a new Scene with the specified options.
	* @param {object} options The options for the GameEngine, composed of the properties.
	* @property {Asset} asset The {@link Asset} to use for the Scene tiles
	* @property {Object} parent The parent of this Scene
	* @property {integer} x The x-coordinate in pixels relative to its parent (optional, default 0)
	* @property {integer} y The y-coordinate in pixels relative to its parent (optional, default 0)
	* @property {integer} z The z-coordinate relative to its parent (optional, default 0)
	* @property {float} scale The current scale (zoom) where 1 = 100% (optional, default 1)
	* @property {boolean} visible Set if this Scene is visible (optional, default true)
	* @property {boolean} enableScroll Enable mouse scrolling (optional, default true)
  constructor (options = {}) {
    // A Scene can have subscenes
    HasScenesMixin(this, options)

    // A Scene can have entities

    // Asset is the graphical asset used for drawing this Scene.
    // Usually, an asset will be divided up into 'layers' of a specified width and height.
    // A Scene will display a large array of these layers for each layer, and a Scene may contain multiple layers.
    // Layers are drawn in ascending order, and each layer be associated with a group of entities, based on the entity's z.
    this.asset = options.asset

    // The current X/Y from the origin of the container (the GameEngine, or the parent Scene)
    this.x = options.x || 0
    this.y = options.y || 0

    // The Z index, in the stack of the container (the GameEngine, or the parent Scene)
    this.z = options.z || 0

    // The Parent container (the GameEngine, or the parent Scene)
    this.parent = typeof (options.parent) === 'undefined' ? null : options.parent

    // The visible flag. Invisible Scenes and their children are not drawn
    this.visible = typeof (options.visible) === 'undefined' ? true : !!options.visible

    // The scale and rotation settings for this Scene. This context affects all child scenes and entities also
    this.scale = typeof (options.scale) === 'undefined' ? 1 : options.scale
    this.rotate = typeof (options.rotate) === 'undefined' ? 0 : options.rotate


	* Mark this scene to be redran.
  redraw () {
    this._doredraw = true

	* Draw the Scene into the given context. You should override draw with your draw logic.
	* @param {CanvasRenderingContext2D} context The context in which to draw
  draw (context) {
    // If we're not marked for a redraw or we're invisible, return
    if (!this._doredraw || !this.visible) return

    // Save the context params

    // Reset the origin to our coordinates (so child entities are relative to us)
    context.translate(this.x, this.y)
    context.scale(this.scale, this.scale)

    // Scene Drawing Logic should go here.

    // Restore the context params for the next thing being drawn

    // Reset the redraw flag
    this._doredraw = false

 * In PERSPECTIVE_OVERHEAD mode, a Scene will simply draw all tile levels, subscenes and entities in order from their z-coordinate.
 *In PERSPECTIVE_ANGLE mode, a Scene will draw all tile levels, subscenes and entities in order from their z and y coordinates modified their hotspot y coordinate.

module.exports = Scene